Community Standards & Rules
Compliance and Respect
The Butler community expects mutual respect from all members. Residence Life staff members are trained to respond to emergency situations and conduct violations to maintain a safe and comfortable living environment for everyone. Students are expected to respond to all reasonable directives from staff members and are not to interfere with any staff members in the performance of their duties. Inappropriate remarks, intimidating language, abuse, assault, or harassment is a basic violation of respect and contrary to what it means to be a member of the Butler community.
Emergency Situations and Equipment
- If a resident is witness to or involved in an emergency situation the following should be the course of action:
- If the emergency is life-threatening, please call Butler PD at 317-940-9999 (located on the back of the ID card) or 911 immediately
- If the emergency is not life-threatening, contact the RA/ACA on Duty.
- Additional Resources: If the emergency occurs during business hours (8:00am-noon and 1-5pm) contact Student Health Services at 317-940-9385.
- Tampering with or misuse of fire safety equipment, including fire alarms, fire extinguishers, or smoke detectors, is prohibited by state law and University policy.
- Smoke detectors, fire alarm devices and sprinkler heads should not be covered; students are not permitted to hang anything from this equipment
- Exiting alarmed doors in non-emergency situations is not permitted.
- Every student is responsible for immediate evacuation of the building in the event of a fire alarm. Failure to evacuate can result in a dangerous situation for the student, staff and emergency personnel and could result in police involvement.
Physical and Sexual Abuse
Butler University will not tolerate any form of physical and sexual abuse, fighting, or intimidation. Students are encouraged to report instances of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. Click here for resources and details. Report other forms of physical abuse or harassment to Residence Life staff, Student Affairs 317-940-9570, Office of Student Advocacy 317-940-2047, and/or University Police 317940-9396. Online reporting options available at the Sexual Misconduct site.
- Harassment of any form is prohibited. Harassment is any verbal or physical conduct that creates a hostile or offensive environment. Harassment may be, but is not limited to, name calling, signs, notes, slurs, or jokes that demean an individual or group.
- Behavior by any student that materially disrupts another’s educational pursuits or educational process, invades the rights of others, or otherwise disrupts the regular and essential operation of the University. In enforcing the above rule, the University may subject a student’s speech or conduct to reasonable and nondiscriminatory time, place, and manner restrictions which are narrowly tailored and which leave open ample alternative means of communication.
- Behavior of any kind that interferes with or involves an expressed or implied threat to interfere with an individual’s personal safety, personal possessions, residence, academic efforts, employment or participation in University-sponsored functions and causes that person to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur.
- The Butler University Student Handbook Harassment policy web site should be referenced for information on how and where to report all forms of harassment.
Roommate Philosophy
- Residential spaces are shared and college is an important time to develop personal responsibility, conflict resolution skills, and self-advocacy. It is important to grow and understand what it means to be a part of a community that respects and values others.
- Successful roommate/suite mates do not always involve students who consider their roommate(s) their best friends, but describe a relationship and room/unit environment that is restful and respectful. Living with others takes time and work and Residential Life is committed to assisting residents in gaining the skills needed to have a good living experience. The following steps are required in almost all situations before a room change is considered.
- An initial discussion with the roommate(s) to determine issues of concern and compromises.
- A re-examination of the room/unit standards agreement or creating one if the group failed to create one.
- If issues are not resolved, residents will talk to their RA or ACA about a mediation meeting to resolve any issues, tensions or conflict and drawing up new standards to eliminate those identified
- If roommate issues are not resolved, the residents should contact the Community Director about other methods of resolving a conflict.
Please note that students are expected to engage and communicate in a conflict resolution process.
Fire Safety
- Collection or storage of materials, supplies or personal property that constitute a fire hazard as determined by the University is prohibited. Storage or use of combustible materials, explosives, fireworks or firearms is prohibited. Use of outside TV or radio antennas, sun lamps, halogen lamps, heat lamps, space heaters or microwave ovens (Other than University provided in FVH and AV) is strictly prohibited. The following requirements have been created in conjunction with the Indianapolis fire marshal to insure the safety of all residents:
- Possession and burning of candles, incense, or spices such as sage in housing facilities is a fire hazard and is not permitted.
- Electric potpourri pots and plug in air fresheners are prohibited.
- Incense, lanterns, charcoal, lighter fluid, Bunsen type burners and propane are prohibited.
- All extension cords must be of a surge-protector type with an ON/OFF switch, power on indicator light, and a breaker reset.
- No two prong ground adapters are permitted. If a room has outlets that do not accept three prong plugs, the room should be reported to your RA or community director so that the outlets can be changed immediately.
- Halogen bulbs generates extreme heat, which increases the potential fire hazard and are not permitted.
- Refrigerators must be plugged in directly to the wall outlet, and not using any kind of extension cord.
- The use of cooking appliances and 5-gallon or larger water dispensers in individual student rooms is prohibited.
- Wall, door and room decorations are limited to 20% of any given surface.
- Personal floor mats, or any other item which represent a trip hazard, are not permitted in hallways.
- Do not attach anything to, or hang any item on, any sprinkler head.
- Do not attach anything near a sprinkler head that may obstruct the spray pattern.
- Do not attach anything to, or alter any life safety device such as fire alarm horns, strobe lights, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, exit lights, pull stations or any type of emergency signage.
- No items are to be hung from any ceiling or cloth hung on the walls (tapestries)
- The use of acetate, cellophane, tissue paper or other combustible materials over or in light fixtures is prohibited.
- String, LED strip, rope, holiday, or other types of decorative lighting, and night lights are prohibited. Any fixtures with halogen light bulbs are prohibited. Candles are prohibited.
- Exit doors, hallways and stair wells must be clear at all times. The use of welcome mats in hallways is prohibited.
- Candles, incense, and plug-in air fresheners, fragrance heaters are prohibited.
Guest Policy
Guests visiting the living unit are subject to University rules, regulations and policies. Residents will be held accountable for the actions of their guests. Any individual in a living space that is not assigned to that living space can be considered a guest. All guests must be escorted at all times within housing facilities, this includes all apartment communities as well as residential facilities. The resident is responsible for informing the guest(s) of this prior to the visit. Overnight guests are permitted, provided that all roommates are aware of the guest staying and have not communicated objections. Guests are allowed to stay no more than two consecutive nights. The University has the right to deny access to any guests, or ask any guests to leave, if it is reasonably determined that a guest(s) has disturbed or is likely to disturb others.
Delivery Policy
Delivery personnel are not allowed in residential buildings. Residents must meet delivery personnel at the main entrance of the residential facility or an exterior door in order to receive any delivery.
Only freshwater fish are permitted in housing facilities. Tanks may be no larger than 5 gallons and can only be used for freshwater fish. Even short term pet sitting is not approved. Pets must be removed within 24-48 hours. After that time a $50.00 a day fine will be assessed until the animal is removed. After 7 days, Animal Control will be contacted. A cleaning fee may be assessed to a unit that had an unapproved pet.
Approved service and support animals are not pets and will be allowed with proper documentation and approval. Students should contact Student Disability Services regarding service or support animals prior to bringing the service or support animal to campus housing.
Butler University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment. As such, smoking is prohibited in all residential buildings in alignment with Butler University’s Smoke-Free Campus Policy. This policy applies to faculty, staff, residents, guests, and vendors in the residential community. Prohibited items in room units or in resident’s possession include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, bowls, bongs, vapes, hookahs, all smokeless tobacco and electronic or any other smoking devices.
The willful or malicious destruction of defacement of university, public, or private property will not be tolerated. And it may result in damage charges for the person found responsible.
Noise and Disruptive Behavior
Residents are expected to respect the rights of others with regard to noise levels for studying and sleeping at all times. Musical equipment or stereos are not permitted in, or facing out of windows. Residents bothered by noise should ask those making the noise to lower the volume. If no response is made, students may contact the RA/ACA on duty or the front desk. RAs/ACAs will make periodic building rounds and will confront noise and disruptive behavior. Courtesy hours are always in affect, if you have been asked to lower the volume or stop the disruption, you should comply. Failure to comply is considered a conduct violation and will result in a conduct review. Residence Life staff will set extended quiet hours standards for finals week.
Unauthorized Presence
Unauthorized presence in housing facilities or a restricted area, including, but not limited to, housekeeping closets, roof, another resident’s space, mechanical room or other secured area is prohibited.
Right to entry
The University has the right, without restrictions, to allow authorized personnel to enter student living spaces. When such entry is deemed necessary, the University will seek, within all reasonable bounds, to protect the student’s privacy interests. Such actions, when they are warranted, are taken on behalf of all unit residents to guarantee their safety and welfare.
Authorized personnel of the University may include but is not limited to: Residence Life staff, Building Management staff, University police, and any person charged with the responsibility of inspecting University owned or related property, including residential units, at any time when there is sufficient reason. Inspections may be conducted for the following reasons: (a) to ensure that units are free of fire or safety hazards; (b) to determine whether a student is complying with the terms of a room and board contract; (c) to prevent damage; (d) to prevent violations of University regulations when evidence suggests that such violations may occur. The living spaces may be entered whenever authorized personnel of the University have reason to believe that guests are present at times other than authorized. Spaces may be entered by authorized University personnel to complete maintenance and repair work. Rooms may also be entered for routine Residence Life activities, such as hall closings, health and safety inspections or the preparation of rooms for incoming room occupants. For planned entries, a reasonable effort may be made to have the students in question notified or present if their rooms/apartments are to be searched. “Reasonable effort” includes such actions as consulting with a resident assistant, prior posted or emailed notification, and announcement of entry.
Additionally, authorized personnel may enter a space at any time if there is a well-being or safety concern related to a resident.
Authorized University personnel may search student rooms to remove items that are in violation of University, federal, state or municipal law or regulations. In these situations, the professional residence life staff, residence life staff designee, or University police may search personal possessions of students any time there is reason to believe unlawful items are present. A student may or may not receive prior notification.
Alcohol Use and Misuse
In the State of Indiana, the legal age to possess and/or consume alcohol is 21 years or older. Residents of legal age and their guests of legal age may possess and consume alcoholic beverages on an individual basis in the privacy of their assigned living space, with their doors closed.
- Alcohol may not be possessed or consumed in the presence of minors, including any roommates who may also be assigned to the living space.
- Possession of alcohol in any areas other than individual assigned living spaces is prohibited.
- Residents under legal age may not possess alcohol containers, including as decoration.
- If a student is found in possession of alcohol, and in violation of the stated alcohol guidelines, the student will be instructed to pour the alcohol into the nearest sink.
- The sale of alcohol in housing facilities is prohibited.
- Kegs of alcohol, defined as any containers requiring taps to operate, as well as all bulk containers of alcohol (beer balls, punch, and etc.) are not allowed in housing facilities.
- For those who are 21 years of age, transporting alcohol requires sealed containers that must be covered with no visible appearance or reference to alcohol.
- Residents may not use alcohol containers, alcohol paraphernalia, or any similar items as decoration.
- Additional student conduct action will be taken if consumption of alcohol results in safety violations, a large number of people coming and going from the living space, noisy or disruptive behavior, or dispensing alcohol to minors.
These guidelines apply to behavior in, and in close proximity to, housing facilities. These are in addition to the alcohol guidelines listed in the Rights and Responsibilities section of the Student Handbook.
- The use and/or possession of illegal/controlled drugs in housing facilities and their immediate vicinity is strictly prohibited.
- All cases of use, possession, cultivation or sale of drugs or evidence of use, possession, cultivation or sale of drugs will result in University student conduct procedures.
- Manufacture, sale, possession or use of narcotics, marijuana, hypnotics, sedatives, tranquilizers, hallucinogens and other similar known harmful or habit forming drugs and/or chemicals, except as prescribed by a physician to the individual resident in possession of the medication, are prohibited by state law and University regulations.
The misuse or illegal use of electronic appliances creates serious hazards in residential facilities. Only low wattage electronic equipment is permitted in rooms. Approved low wattage equipment includes hair dryers, hair curling and straightening appliances, non-halogen desk lamps, clocks/radios, televisions and stereos, computers, heating pads and fans. All approved appliances must have a UL approved label (underwriters laboratories has approved this item for safety standards) and must be used and kept and used accordance with specific regulations that meet fire safety standards. Refrigerators used in residence hall bedrooms cannot exceed 3.0 cubic feet of internal storage, cannot be larger than the exterior dimensions of 36” H x 20” W x 20” D and cannot draw more than 2.5 amps of electricity.
Prohibited Items:
- Fairview House, Irvington House, and Residential College (ResCo):
- Halogen lights, space heaters, microwaves (other than those provided by Butler University) and window air-conditioners are not permitted in student rooms.
- Toasters, toaster ovens, electric coil cooktops, griddles/open skillets, blenders, pizza makers or appliances similar to George Foreman Grills are not permitted.
- Items with heating elements such as toasters, popcorn poppers, toaster ovens and coffee makers, including single cup coffee brewers, may be stored (unplugged) in resident rooms, but must be used in designated common areas.
- Apartment Communities
- Halogen lights, space heaters, and window air-conditioners are not permitted in student rooms. Items with heating elements such as toasters, popcorn poppers, toaster ovens and coffee makers, including single cup coffee brewers, must be used in common spaces.
String, LED strip, rope, holiday, or other types of decorative lighting, and night lights are prohibited. Any fixtures with halogen light bulbs are prohibited. Candles are prohibited.
Wall Hangings, Posters, and Pictures
Use of double-sided tape, duct tape, masking tape, Scotch tape, nails, tacks, sticky tack, etc., to hang posters and pictures in living spaces is prohibited. Wall tapestries are not permitted. The student must properly remove items from the wall to avoid damage. We encourage all roommates to discuss decorations before displaying them in their bedrooms and common spaces.
Holiday and Party Decorations
- No live trees or foliage (beyond basic houseplants) are permitted in rooms, units, lounges or apartments
- Only artificial trees and wreaths may be used in housing facilities. The artificial trees are to be set on a stable base, away from any heat source and placed so that they do not obstruct hallways or exits.
- Electrical lighting (string, rope or other types) is strictly prohibited for use.
- The use of “spray snow” or other similar items is prohibited.
- Decoration of any type is prohibited on ceilings, light fixtures, door frames and exit doors.
- Decoration on walls or room doors is limited to 20% of the given space.
- Live pumpkins are not permitted.
We encourage all roommates to discuss decorations before displaying them in their bedrooms and common spaces.
Other Items
Firearms and Weapons
Student may not possess, store, or use firearms or other lethal weapons within housing facilities. Although not exhaustive, the following list of items are prohibited: firearms, ammunition for a firearm, lethal weapons, bow and arrows, swords, Billy clubs, brass knuckles, knives, blow guns, dart guns, wrist rockets, pellet guns, bb guns, catapults, bombs, grenades, switchblades, martial arts equipment, or ammunition. Use or possession of these items is subject to immediate student conduct action, which may include suspension or dismissal.
Sports Equipment
The use of sports equipment, and playing sports inside housing facilities are not permitted.
Musical Instruments
Music practice rooms are available for use at Lilly Hall. Some halls provide pianos that are available for use during designated hours. Musical instruments should not be played in housing facilities.
Bicycles, Scooters, and Motorcycles
Bicycles may be parked on campus in accordance with campus parking regulations. Bike racks are located at various points around campus. If a resident brings a bike into the residence hall, it should be stored in the designated bike storage room (if available).
Motorcycles, mopeds, hoverboards, and electric scooters are not permitted inside a residence hall and particularly in hallways and in student rooms. No flammable fluid of any kind is to be in the buildings. Electric scooters may not be charged in residential spaces.
Can and Bottle Collections
Can and bottle collections are not allowed in any residential facility due to health and sanitation concerns. Even cleaned collections can draw insects and unwanted rodents. Residents are encouraged to regularly dispose of their cans and bottles in provided recycling centers in each residence hall.
Grills and Fire Pits
Outdoor grilling is only allowed with University provided and authorized outdoor grills on campus. Individuals are not to possess grills. Student community grills at AV and Fairview house may be used by residents. Keep the grills clean and in proper working order after use. Personal grills (gas or charcoal) are not permitted on University property. Only University owned fire pits may be used under the direction of a University staff member for special events. No student/resident may own or operate a fire pit on residential/University property. Do not burn trash or litter in grills or fire pits as this creates debris that can harm the equipment.
Storage facilities are extremely limited on campus for student belongings. Storage in the University Apartments is prohibited. Residence Life is not responsible for damage to stored items. We encourage students to find local storage units to lease for storage purposes.
Students are responsible for cleaning and removing trash from their own living spaces. Trash rooms are located on each floor in the residence halls. Recycling bins are also provided in or nearby the housing facilities and students are encouraged to recycle. Dumpsters are located in the parking lots of each apartment housing facility. Housekeepers only clean public bathrooms and lounge areas. Residents may not dispose large quantities of personal trash or recycling in common area bins; these bins are provided for small incidental items.
To maintain a quality experience for everyone, please be familiar with the following sections of the “IT Policies and Security” page:
- “University Computing Policies”
- “Related Usage Standards and Resources”
Notable takeaways:
- Don’t share your password with anyone. Ever.
- Lock your computer/phone when unattended.
- Avoid falling for phishing scams.
Check In and Check Out
All residents are required to check-in when they occupy a room or unit for the first time. This allows residents to determine the condition of the room or unit upon checking-in. Upon moving into a room, a student will receive an online room condition report (RCR) that describes the move-in condition of the room. The room condition report will be used upon checkout to assess damages and charges incurred throughout the length of stay. When checking- out or changing rooms of a residence hall room or unit at any time during the year, the resident must make an appointment with an RA/ACA or other residence life staff member to complete the proper checkout process.
The student’s responsibilities at checkout include the following:
- Make prior arrangements with an RA/ACA for a time and day (with 24 hours’ advance notice) to check out. Failure to make an appointment and checkout properly with an RA will result in an improper checkout charge.
- If in a suite or shared room remove all of your possessions from room and bathroom (if applicable) and all pictures and posters from walls.
- Make sure the space is clean, desks, dressers, closets are emptied, walls are cleared of all decoration, floor is swept and trash is removed.
At the closing of the building:
- In suite-style housing, any common area space and bathrooms must be clean and trash removed.
- Make sure all furniture and fixtures are in room. The student will be charged for any missing damaged or altered furniture, fixtures or equipment.
- RAs do not make a determination of damage charges they simply process the check-out and ensure that questions are noted.
- Turn in mailbox key and room key.
- Fill out a change of address/mail forward card and leave at front office.
- Follow guidelines posted and/or distributed before end-of-semester closings.
Never spackle wall damage, attempt to paint and putty any holes -you will still be charged. By following the above checkout procedures, a student will ensure that they do not incur an improper checkout charge, housekeeping charge or key charges. Final determination of damage charges will be made by the Community Directors and/or Maintenance staff. Specific and additional procedures are necessary in the apartments.
Gender Inclusive Housing
Groups of students with any gender identity or expression may live together in the room or suite/apartment. This includes transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive individuals.There are no additional forms or requirements needed in order to create a gender inclusive group. Continuing students will create their groups during the housing selection process after Spring Break. New students need to list all roommates/suitemates when completing their online housing contract. Incoming students are encouraged to contact Residence Life with any questions about gender inclusive housing arrangements.
Residence Life strongly discourages any students in romantic relationship from living together.
Room Changes
Students and their families will be provided resources with tips to mediate conflict and residential staff will support students through roommate issues, as they arise, by utilizing their Residential Living Agreement to work towards resolution. Room changes are issued only after students have participated in the complete mediation process.
Damages and Common Spaces
A resident is responsible for all damages/losses in the assigned living space resulting from negligence, theft and/or abuse. Residents will be charged for all damages/losses that occur during the student’s occupancy of the space. Charges for room, suite, apartment, and public area damages and loss of property, for which individual responsibility cannot be determined or in common spaces, will be divided among all students in the assigned space(s). The charges will be assessed by the office of Residence Life and maintenance personnel and billed to the student’s account through the Office of Student Accounts.
Appeal procedures for damages: Any student wishing to appeal a damage charge may fill out an Appeal Form found on the Residence Life housing portal. The form is open for 3 weeks once damage billing occurs and all appeals must be made at that time. Appeals are only accepted within the timeline. Residential students must give detailed evidence that justifies an appeal. Please note only the individual living in the unit or appealing the damages can appeal. Parents, family members or roommates or other third parties will not be accepted.
Use of All Space
Residential consolidation may occur throughout the academic year beginning with current student room/unit selection in the spring. Beginning May 1 and continuing throughout the summer, if there are available rooms in suites or apartments not being used to maximum capacity Residence Life reserves the right to move remaining residents to similar rooms or units, to ensure maximum occupancy. When consolidation is necessary, students will be notified with as much notice as possible. Students may not refuse a roommate placement when living in a space with an open bed. Students are not, under any circumstance, to occupy an entire double in a hall or suite or apartment unit unless granted permission, in writing from the Community Director of the area. Students that are found to have occupied a space unassigned to them will be charged. A cleaning fee may also be levied to restore the room back to move-in ready condition.
For entering students, consolidation may be used at the end of the fall semester. This consolidation process is used to ensure new students retain roommates as spaces in buildings become empty. Residents are notified of this process in advance.
Keys and Locks
- Students should never give out a room key, fob or their ID to anyone.
- Lost or stolen keys should be reported to Residence Life staff immediately. Keys should never be duplicated and if found to be made, will result in University student conduct procedures.
- For security reasons, a new lock will be installed on room doors and new keys will be issued. The student’s account will be charged for the new lock, keys and labor. The cost of a new lock can range from $50.00- $250.00. If keys are later found, it is not possible to refund these charges.
- Additional locks on room doors or windows is not permitted. Tampering with any locks, ID readers, propping doors or otherwise impacting the safety and security of the housing facility is prohibited.
- Exterior doors and internal locked doors must never be propped except during specific times designated for move-in and move-out.
- A $250.00 fine is assessed to the community or resident found responsible for propping a door.
- Students are expected to carry their key(s) and University ID card at all times. Students should never give out a room key, fob or their ID to anyone. Doing so puts the security of the building and students at risk.
- Students are encouraged to always lock their room or unit doors, especially when away from their room.
- No doors within a unit should ever be removed for any purpose.
Furnishings and Beds
- The University does not allow removal of furnishings or equipment from the assigned living space.
- Furnishings should not be placed so that they obstruct vents, ducts, radiators or doors. At no time may residents disassemble, stack or alter furniture.
- Students are not allowed to move public area furniture to their individual spaces.
- Putting mattresses on the floor or altering structural components of the beds is not allowed. Platforms and waterbeds are not permitted.
- Many rooms are equipped with beds that may be bunked. Instructions, pins, and waivers are available at each hall office for bunking beds. Beds may not be added to or altered in any way. See Residence Life Website for building specific furnishings provided.
- Students may not remove window screens, blinds, or curtains, or window opening limiters.
- Decorations, signs of any kind, window clings, flags, window paint, plants, and other decorative items should not be in visible in the window from the outside of the building. Decorations and other items may be on the interior of the room, but should not be outward facing. Any items in view from the outside are subject to removal by Residence Life and/or maintenance staff.
- We encourage all roommates to discuss decorations before displaying them in their bedrooms and common spaces.
- Students and/or guests are prohibited from hanging or throwing any object from a residence hall window.
- Students and/or guests are not allowed to enter or exit through windows.
Concerns and needed repairs should be reported to For emergencies, contact the front desk or BU PD- University Police. It can take up to two weeks for nonemergency repairs. Maintenance employees have the right to enter a student’s living space to perform necessary maintenance and inspections; although adequate notice is generally provided via email it cannot always be provided in cases of emergency maintenance repairs. Emergency repairs and lock replacements are always given top priority
If there is a confirmed pest presence in a space, residents are required to comply with all directives from Residence Life and University Facilities/American Campus Communities regarding treatment. Failure to do so, or failure to do so in a complete or timely manner could result in health and safety concerns for themselves or others. Failure to comply with directives could result a conduct code violation & referral to the Dean of Students office.
Students are not permitted to paint their living spaces. Repairs or repainting of walls should not be attempted as this usually leads to greater damage charges being assessed to the student.
Health and Safety Inspections
Residence Life may, on a periodic basis, conduct room inspections for health and safety purposes. Notice will be given by Residence Life staff when these inspections are expected to occur. During these inspections Residence Life staff are checking for policy compliance, as well as the general cleanliness and upkeep of the living area. Residents must keep their assigned living space clean to a minimal standard of health which may include but is not limited to taking out the trash, cleaning the bathroom, and cleaning their kitchen or breakfast bar area.
Lock Outs
The first two lockouts are free, the 3rd and subsequent lockouts are $25 each. For a lockout residents should go to the Front Desk and either call the RA/ACA on Duty Number posted. If it’s during the day, students will alert the Desk Assistant who will contact an RA/ACA or Central Staff member to address the issue. If you have lost your keys, please report this loss to your community director immediately so maintenance staff can change your locks and provide you new keys.
Mail and Packages
The U.S. Postal Service, FedEx and UPS deliver to the housing facilities. Mail sorted by the building staff and put into mailboxes. Residents of University Terrace, South Campus Apartments and Butler Terrace will only receive US Postal Mail at their buildings. Packages for these units must be addressed and sent to 4600 Sunset Ave. Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 (our main post office on campus) Students in these units will receive an email that a package has arrived and will need to pick it up in Holcomb Hall Rm 23. A student must show ID to receive large envelopes, packages, flowers, or other deliveries. US Postal Mail should be addressed as follows:
- Fairview – Student’s Name – 4550 Sunset Ave Box # Indianapolis, IN 46208
- ResCo – Student’s Name – 630 W. Hampton Dr. Box # Indianapolis, IN 46208
- Irvington – Student’s Name – 750 W Hampton Dr. Box # Indianapolis, IN 46208
- Apartment Village – Student’s Name – 5026 N Boulevard Place Room Number Indianapolis, IN 46208
- University Terrace – Student’s Name – 599 Westfield BLV Apt # Indianapolis, IN 46208
- South Campus Apt – Student Name – 4251Haughey Ave Apt # Indianapolis, IN 46208
- Butler Terrace – Student’s Name – 4630 Hinesley Ave Apt # Indianapolis, IN 46208
Appropriate box numbers or apartments are essential for efficient and correct mail delivery. *Note: The Apartment Village has separate buildings lettered A-M. All addresses must include the building letter and apartment number. For example, for building A, apartment 301, the address should read Apt. A301. Letters or packages without the proper mailbox number listed could be returned to sender if the correct resident cannot be identified.
Laundry rooms are located in each housing facility. Washers and dryers are operated by credit/debit card. A pre-paid MasterCard or Visa could also be used. The machines require the use of high efficiency (HE) laundry detergent. Butler is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
South Campus Apartments Laundry
Buildings A&B have in unit washer/dryers. All washer/dryer units for residents in the C building are located in the building B common space.